New nurturing classes for babies

Jess Higgins, Lazy Daisy County Antrim and Belfast. inbm31-14sJess Higgins, Lazy Daisy County Antrim and Belfast. inbm31-14s
Jess Higgins, Lazy Daisy County Antrim and Belfast. inbm31-14s
A national brand, synonymous with pregnancy, childbirth and babies has spread its wings and baby classes are now available in Loughguile. These classes are suitable for babies from as young as six weeks up until they are mobile.

Daisy Tinies® is a ‘fourth trimester womb in a room’ soothing, calming class based on positive touch and elements of baby massage.

The class is entirely baby led and uses techniques to help parents settle new babies and provide some relief from conditions as colic and reflux.

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When baby is a little older, they can move onto Daisy Wrigglers – a lively, bouncy class which takes elements from yoga incorporating soft stretch to help baby reach those important milestones. Both baby classes include postnatal movement for mum and social time for mum and baby.

New baby massage and baby yoga classes are running in Loughguile in the Millennium Centre. inbm31-14sNew baby massage and baby yoga classes are running in Loughguile in the Millennium Centre. inbm31-14s
New baby massage and baby yoga classes are running in Loughguile in the Millennium Centre. inbm31-14s

The classes aim to create communities of new mums which is why Loughgiel Millennium Centre was chosen as an important hub for Daisy Baby Classes to unite mums in rural communities.

Jess Higgins who runs Lazy Daisy County Antrim is currently taking bookings for all classes, she explained: “I am very excited at being able to bring Lazy Daisy Baby back to the area where I grew up.

“I will be delighted to hear from anyone who is interested in Daisy classes so please get in touch via [email protected], find me on Facebook at or call/text me on 07793727543.”

Full story on the web.

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She explained: “I was lucky enough to find Lazy Daisy while I was pregnant with my son in Scotland, and attended the Birthing classes to help prepare me for a confident & empowered birth, which I achieved. When my son was born, it felt natural to sign up to the Lazy Daisy Tinies massage classes as I found it could be quite isolating being at home with a baby all day when most of my friends & husband were all at work.

“Doing the Daisy Baby classes with Rory gave me a reason to get up & out of the house on the days of class, and I loved learning baby massage routines and songs / rhymes that I could do in the house. I taught my husband the massage routines so that he could bond with Rory after work. My confidence as a new mum quickly grew in class as he became more settled and I met a wonderful group of girls who were all going through the same things at the same time as me!

“Alongside our baby massage and soft stretch routines, we had tears, laughter, hugs, friendships made & cemented with ‘too much information’ stories that only another new mum can appreciate at that moment in time. More than just a weekly class, there is a lovely online community of class members too – for those silly questions in the middle of the night or ‘is this normal’ ponderings.