Health Minister Robin Swann signs White Ribbon Charter

Health Minister Robin Swann Signs White Ribbon CharterHealth Minister Robin Swann Signs White Ribbon Charter
Health Minister Robin Swann Signs White Ribbon Charter
Health Minister Robin Swann MLA has joined with Women’s Aid ABCLN to sign the White Ribbon Charter making a personal pledge to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.

The Minister met with Women’s Aid ABCLN staff virtually to hear how the organisation has supported local women and children affected by domestic violence during the COVID-19 crisis.

Minister Swann said: “Lockdown has been challenging for many families but it will have been even more difficult for those affected by domestic abuse. I would encourage others to sign the White Ribbon Charter and together as a society pledge our support to never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women.”

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Women’s Aid ABCLN CEO, Rosemary Magill said: “With one in four women affected by domestic abuse in their lifetime, staying silent is not an option. We aim to create a society where all women can live in safety, free from violence and abuse.

“The White Ribbon Campaign is a global movement to end male violence against women. It was formed by a group of men in 1991 in Canada responding to the massacre of 14 female students, to send out the message that male violence against women in all its forms is unacceptable.”

“We welcome the Health Minister’s commitment to Women’s Aid across Northern Ireland and his support for cross government response to tackling domestic abuse during the Covid-19 crisis.”

Minister Swann said: “We want people to know that they are not alone and that help continues to be available 24/7.”

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If you are affected by domestic abuse you can call Women’s Aid ABCLN on 028 25 632136 or go to


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