Council's defibrillator proposal for area

Training in the use of a defibrillator. Archive picture. INLT-19-707-conTraining in the use of a defibrillator. Archive picture. INLT-19-707-con
Training in the use of a defibrillator. Archive picture. INLT-19-707-con
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council is considering the purchase of several potentially life-saving defibrillators for use across the borough.

The council’s Community Planning committee was due to discuss the issue at a meeting in The Braid on Tuesday May 10.

According to the report due to have been presented to council, the total cost of the 23 new machines would be approximately £28,750; around £1,250 per unit.

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The report recommended that an additional seven defibrillators be procured for the Carrick area, five of which would be situated at “priority one” sites which have a high volume of staff, usage and strenuous activity types. These sites would also be the priority areas for defibrillator purchase.

In Carrick, these have been identified as Oakfield Community Development Centre, Sunnylands Community Centre, Eden Community Centre, Castleview Pavilion and Sullatober depot. Meanwhile, Woodburn Community Centre and Greenisland Community Centre have been identified as priority two sites, defined as facilities with “high level usage and more sedentary activities”.

The report advises that the provision of defibrillators at major council facilities “would be viewed as a positive and prudent measure by ratepayers”.

It continues: “Over the last few years, a number of incidents have been reported-both locally and nationally-where the absence of a defibrillator onsite has been noted. While it is difficult to state categorically that this would have altered the final outcome, the absence of a defibrillator is still often considered as a missed opportunity.”

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The council report recommends that, where possible, the defibrillators should be made “accessible to the community”.

With the priority one defibrillators costing £17,500, the report advises signposting community groups and clubs to the British Heart Foundation, MEA’s Grants Support Scheme and Northern Ireland Ambulance Service for support in purchasing defibrillators and training equipment at lower priority locations.

The motion, proposed by Cllr Patrice Hardy, was seconded by Cllr P Reid.

Following the meeting, a council spokesperson commented: “If the decision is ratified by full council, officers will prepare an implementation plan for the Priority 1 locations.

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