Londonderry Fabio Capello lookalike backs bid

LONDONDERRY lookalike Michael McElhinney has taken time out from impersonating Italian tactician Fabio Capello to back the city's bid to become UK City of Culture 2013.

As the World Cup draws closer, Michael, aka Fabio, has given Londonderry the thumbs-up in its city of culture bid.

"I love coming home to Derry," says Michael. "In no other town would you find so much culture."

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The Stanley's Walk born bricklayer has been impersonating the Italian football supremo since he took over the England job for the past three years

Three years ago Michael realised his luck was in when Capello was appointed England's manager.

"I was at a wedding in Italy with my wife and the waiters kept looking at me," he said.

"They were paying me loads of attention. At the end of the meal they came over, called me Fabio and asked if they could have my autograph."

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"My wife told me she thought I really looked like him," he said. "She sent my photo to a few agencies, and then the phone started ringing.

"Since then I've been on GMTV, Sky Sports and several photo shoots. I'm also signed with 15 different agents and have my own website."

"People told me I'd make a fortune but that hasn't happened," he said.

"With the recession people haven't been booking lookalikes the way they used to.