Sinn Fein launches campaign

With Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness MLA officially launching Upper Bann Sinn Féin Candidate Catherine Seeley’s election campaign, Ms Seeley has called on voters in Upper Bann to be ‘History Makers’ at the Westminster election.

The Campaign Launch in Lurgan, was also addressed by Sinn Féin Education Minister John O’Dowd MLA.

In his keynote address Mr McGuinness said, “Catherine is an outstanding, very talented candidate who I have no doubt will continue to do what she has already been doing in her time as an elected representative, and as the Deputy Mayor of Craigavon, showing remarkable leadership and commitment to the people of Upper Bann.

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Sinn Fein Westminster Candidate Ms. Seeley said, “A vote for Sinn Féin in Upper Bann can make history.