Appeal to dog walkers in Gracehill

The chair of Gracehill’s Environmental Committee says dog owners who fail to clean up after their pets are spoiling the village for others.

Andrew Lowery, says: “People are getting fed-up with this state of affairs. The village has won many awards, not least sharing the Translink Ulster in Bloom Most Improved Award in 2014. In addition, much work has been done in restoring The Old School as a top-class visitor attraction and carrying out major improvements to the village square.

“We get visitors from all over the world but dog mess on the pavements does nothing to enhance its attractiveness. We would like to encourage owners to be responsible citizens and help keep Gracehill clean and tidy and a joy to admire,” said Mr Lowery who appealed to pet owners to use the special dog litter bins in the area.

He indicated that concerned residents are prepared to report those “whose behaviour falls short of accepted standards” to the Council.