Shop fittersprotest outside Dunmurry Tesco store

A protst recently took place outside Duynmurry TescoA protst recently took place outside Duynmurry Tesco
A protst recently took place outside Duynmurry Tesco
Representatives of Irish company Rock Shop Fittings Services International, who have been involved in a highly publicised dispute with Tesco, recently staged a protest outside the retail outlet’s Dunmurry branch.

The Rock workers, 100 of whom have recently been put on ‘protective notice’ by the company, say claims made by Tesco are ‘disrespectful’.

The workers stated: “Tesco have issued a statement which states that two of the tenders which they recently gave out were awarded to what they term and we quote “Irish entities “

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“We have conclusive evidence which proves that one of the tenders awarded was given to a French International company which is owned by very large global company with their head office located in Paris.

“This company have had exclusivity for works in Tesco stores in the south of Ireland for 14 years with no competitors.”

The workers also claim to have what they describe as ‘definitive proof’ that the company who were awarded the other tender are also a large global foreign company

“Neither company is what Tesco describe as ‘Irish entities’ and we have definitive proof of this.”

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They also accuse the chain of issuing ‘misleading statements’.

“This is gross irresponsible corporate behaviour from Tesco and a high level of disrespect towards the elected representatives of both jurisdictions here.”

They have also taken issue with the Tesco claim that their tender process is transparent, stating querying how they are losing out, when they feel their tenders are cheaper.

The workers concluded that Tesco are engaged in a ‘globalisation’ strategy where larger volumes of work can ensure higher profits but this comes at the expense of smaller local companies who are the backbone of any economy

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